Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The short run that took forever

Today was hard.

I haven't run for nearly a week, not since last Tuesday's enjoyable outing, and I felt heavy, lethargic, and uninspired. What is the variable factor that allows one run to be so invigorating and another to be flat out miserable? I have two suggestions: fuel and heat.

The past week has been incredibly busy, what with my friend being in the hospital recovering from back surgery and my boyfriend's new nephew entering the world. My week was filled with errands, hospital visits, and waitressing. No time for anything but my to-do list. Early Saturday morning, Rob and I left for Indy to celebrate the 4th of July with friends so we certainly didn't work out that day. We intended to run Sunday morning but instead I sat around in my pj's, drinking coffee and eating smoothie samples. Run? Are you kidding me? Why ruin the morning?

So now it's Tuesday. I could delay this no longer. My 10k schedule called for a 2.5 mile run and I figured I'd take the same route as last week. But right from the beginning, I wasn't into it. First, the fuel I'd been putting in my body the past several days made me feel like dead weight. Burgers, brats, cookies, beer--if it was bad, I ate it. As if my own lethargy wasn't enough, the sun was out--that beautiful, glorious sun that we wait all winter to see. I just want it to hide behind a big, fat cloud for the hour I'm outside. It can come out after.

So I began today's run with two strikes already: low energy and heat. As I ran, I added another: my sore left ankle. It throbbed a bit but was more noticeable when I walked, which I did a few times. I just could not maintain the run. I was also missing my high that I felt last Tuesday. Was this really the same route I breezed through six days ago?

So yes, I struggled for the entire 2.5 and am simply glad it's over. My goal for the week is to get my energy back by refueling the body with better food. No more burgers, brats, chips, cookies (well...maybe cookies) for awhile. Bring on the grains and veggies! And maybe a sun visor while I'm at it....

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